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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

UPDATE: LaVar And Trump Are Enemies, And We Should All Be Grateful

UPDATE: LaVar And Trump Are Enemies, And We Should All Be Grateful


  Mere days after LiAngelo Ball and his two UCLA teammates held a conference to apologize for their unlawful actions in China and to thank Donald Trump for apparently negotiating on their behalf, LaVar Ball has questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s involvement asking, “what was he over there for? Don’t tell me nothing. Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out.”

President Trump clapped back in prompt fashion stating: “[...] LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. I should have left them in jail!” While it’s unlikely the role President Trump played in the return of the UCLA players will ever become clear, it’s certain that LaVar Ball’s middle son broke the law in China.

Original article here.

I know I wrote on this last week but oh man this story needs an update. In case you missed it, Donald Trump demanded an apology from the UCLA players who were arrested in China (one of whom was LiAngelo Ball), and LaVar declined.

I'll start with some clarity; this is absurd, but this is still a win for us. Look I'm not thrilled about the fact that our president is dueling with someone who talked shit all the way to his own reality show; I'm really not.

But, expecting our president to stick to politics, and to show a sense of decorum and respect to others is an old reality. In our new reality I merely hope that the leader of the free world can spar with other egomaniacs on twitter without starting a nuclear holocaust.

In this sense we've dodged a bullet. LaVar would be the foe of any president. There's nobody who has ever held office who would give him the time of day to any significant extent. The fact that we're witness to a beef between him and an acting president is shocking, but again, to expect anything else is to live in a reality long dead. And while this is bad, to live in a world where these two were friends would be worse. They already feed of each other in the sense that they've both used negative attention and polarizing behavior to rise to their current status, but to live in a world where they feed off of each other because they've reached some level of friendship is a nightmare.

A world where Donald Trump and LaVar Ball are enemies is a sad one, but a world in which they are friends is unacceptable. Hypothetically, I’d go so far as to say that would be rock bottom in terms of our social-political climate. Rock bottom as in, if that happens we should drop the nukes and hit the reset button. It's a friendship so terrible and destructive, that it requires we destroy ourselves. We had our chance to get it right and we squandered it. It was on us to ignore these guys and we gave them the limelight, the attention they craved, and so it’s on us that they are where they are. So let’s wipe out the species. Let’s put the planet in flames and see what happens next. Maybe some bacteria from the depths of our guts will survive, and the human race will get another chance- but that’s in fate’s hands now. We lost the right to control our own destinies. We lose the right to our futures the second we let them become friends.

Good thing they're beefing.

P.S. Am I a hypocrite for criticizing giving these guys attention, and then writing about them? 100%. Good thing I abandoned all sense of self-righteousness, decency, and pride when I created this blog. I’ve fully accepted my role as the literate slime of society.

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