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Guy Who Builds “Snackadiums” Must Be Bored Out Of His Fucking Mind

A Peoria man takes his game day grub to another level.
Sean Aron builds mini-replicas of stadiums to hold snack foods called Snackadiums.
So far, he's spent about a month on the construction project of U.S. Bank Stadium in Minnesota for his annual Super Bowl party.
"There'll be wings, there'll be jalapeno hummus field. Chips, dips. I think this year we're going to do a Caprese bar," said Aron.
He hopes to continue the hobby for a long time.
"I just like doing it. I don't know when I'll stop. Or if I will -- but we'll keep it going for as long as we can. And I enjoy doing it," said Aron.

Full story here.

Am I impressed with this? Sure I am, but you could take an 18-pack of hardboiled eggs and paint them like penguins and I guess I’d technically be “impressed”. I set the bar pretty low in terms of arts and crafts, since my handwriting still slants across the page and I couldn’t glue two popsicle sticks together without fucking something up, so it doesn’t take much to make me think you deserve a pat on the back. So yeah, this guy spends months building tupperware stadiums full of snacks and I’m sure it’s better than something I could do, but jesus christ he needs a hobby. 

I think I drastically underestimated how boring being married is. This poor guy’s life is over. Think of how many dreams he used to have. He probably wanted to be a football player, and then when he realized that wouldn’t work out maybe he considered pursuing a career as a color commentator, and when that didn’t work out I imagine he eventually settled on sports blogging for a short while to scratch that itch and “pursue his dreams” when really he was just grasping at the tatters of what his dreams used to be. Now he’s making turf fields out of jalapeño hummus and trying to figure out where to stash the diet cokes in his to-scale replica of U.S. Bank Stadium. Think about that, this dude once aspired to walk out of the tunnel and look out the bright lights of a hundred thousand fans screaming his name, and the closest he’ll ever get to that now is paving that same tunnel with spinach dip.  If that’s not a fucking tragedy I don’t know what is. They may throw this guy a funeral in 40 years or so, but it’s clear he’s been dead for a while. 

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