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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Weird Moment At The Oscars Last Night

Weird Moment At The Oscars Last Night

(Skip to 1:16) Loved the Oscars last night, lots of good stuff to talk about. I’m sure people will find some way to criticize Jimmy Kimmel but I thought he did a great job. We had lots of progressive stuff, lots of different winners, a bunch of lame speeches, some really funny jokes, some really unfunny jokes, basically there was something for everybody. The one thing I didn’t get was every winner (I think there were two of them) who would go through all of their thank yous and then say something along the lines of, “but this isn’t for you.”

I’m thinking in particular of the guy, I think one of the creators of Coco, who thanked everybody, finally thanked his kids, and then was like, “this isn’t for you, this is for dead grandma,” or something like that. I just don’t get it. It’s a super weird move. It’s not as if you’re getting any of currency with your Oscar that you have to split between every person you thank. Grandma’s ghost doesn’t have to worry about being shorted 66 bucks because she’s got to split the pot three ways with your spoiled brats. It’s purely symbolic. There’s enough to go around.

I totally get thanking everybody and then dedicating the Oscar to your family, because fuck everybody else. It’s very strange when you start dedicating it to some family members over others. Those are your kids man. They sure don’t seem very useful now, but those kids get to decide where they shit, whether or not they get pregnant before they’re 18, and ultimately, whether to put you in a home or not. You might want to start sucking up a little bit, because if you don’t think that the time you snubbed your kids a fucking thank you for dead Gam Gam is going to come up somewhere down the line, you’ve got another thing coming. This wouldn’t have flown in the medieval ages. If you got snubbed like this back then, you straight up killed your dad. History, man, read about it.


P.S. This guy looked like a fucking goblin all night.

This Week In Florida: Python Eats Entire Deer Whole: A Blog Prophecy Is Fulfilled

This Week In Florida: Python Eats Entire Deer Whole: A Blog Prophecy Is Fulfilled

Woman Dumps Popcorn On Child’s Head In Movie Theater

Woman Dumps Popcorn On Child’s Head In Movie Theater